The Company ensures the timely and appropriate disclosure of information pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other applicable laws and regulations as well as the rules on timely disclosure stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (said laws, regulations and rules being hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Timely Disclosure Rules"). By engaging in IR activities in a proactive and fair manner while respecting the purpose and intent of the Corporate Governance Code established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Fair Disclosure Rules prescribed by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, we promote constructive dialogue with our shareholders and investors with the aim of increasing our corporate value and our shareholders' common interests over the medium and long term.
Information that requires disclosure under the applicable laws and regulations and the Timely Disclosure Rules will be published via the TDnet (Timely Disclosure network) system provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Our securities reports, quarterly reports and other mandatory reports will be disclosed via the EDINET (Electronic Disclosure for Investors' Network) system provided by the Financial Services Agency. Such disclosed information will also be promptly made available on our website. Moreover, we proactively and fairly disclose information that does not fall under these timely disclosure requirements via our website or other means.
To prevent the divulgence of unannounced financial results (including quarterly results) and other information that may affect the Company's stock price, the Company observes a quiet period that runs from the day following the end of each quarterly fiscal period until the date on which the financial results for said fiscal period are released. During these periods, we refrain from answering or commenting on questions regarding the Company's financial results or earnings forecasts. Even during these quiet periods, however, we disclose in a timely and appropriate manner certain material information that could affect investors' investment decisions as well as any information that is required under the applicable laws and regulations and the Timely Disclosure Rules.
Information disclosed by the Company in relation to the Group's plans, projections and forecasts as well as forward-looking information based on market data provided by research institutes are based on the beliefs and assumptions of the Company at the time of disclosure. We do not promise or guarantee that such targets will be achieved or that such measures will be implemented in the future.
Actual results may differ materially from the plans disclosed by the Company due to uncertainties, including those related to changes in economic conditions and systems.
When searching for information on the Company's website, please refer to the IR disclaimer posted separately on said website along with this Disclosure Policy.